Sunday, June 28, 2009

Students Arrived on June 27 - two days ago

It is the 29th of June at 11:45 am! I have already spoken four times since yesterday. I only have one more talk today in about 30 minutes and then one more on our last morning. Pray for the 40 + students here and staff. Several students have talked to me about drinking issues as drunkeness is a problem among some of the guys. There are students here from about 5 of the 22 different nations of the South Pacific Island Region. Students are growing and we will be taking them out in the community to do evangelism tomorrow.


  1. Dad... so glad you got there safely! I wish I was there with you, I can't wait to hear about it and see you! Love you tons and I'm praying for you!!!!


  2. Thanks...did you know that Dee is coming on staff?

  3. great to hear your updates dad..and thanks for the birthday you lots...and expect a call when you get home...:)
