Monday, June 15, 2009

Spiritual Climate in Fiji

Fijians have been greatly impacted by their legacy of British colonial greed. Although they embraced Christianity a century ago, legalism, nominalism and failure to confront the ongoing worship of ancestral spirit gods continues to be widespread. New churches with a stronger evangelical message are growing but so are Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses. The country's population is 905,949 with 52% Christian, 38% Hindu, and 8% Muslim. It is interesting that a new book coming out this summer on Global Christianity shows that 86% of all Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims do not personally know a Christian! Pray for opportunities to meet and relate to the Hindus and Muslims in Fiji. Pray a door will be opened up for sharing Christ with them too. Pray Eph. 6:19 for me and all those we will be training from June 27 - July 3.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mike:
    I've written brief massages everal times on the various formats that have revealed themselves while trying to donate.Esentially they conveyed our congratulations on your new grandparenting; and assurance of our glad willingness to be prayer partners in the Fiji ministry (and also my apologies for losing your letter).
    With our love and continued prayers for you, Tracey, and your family--and with hope that one of my messages gets through to you,
    Bob and Chris
